Charmstone chin hung water mill
Charmstone chin hung water mill

charmstone chin hung water mill

Archaeologicalevidences attest the existence of over 2000 archaeological sites along the basin of Vedic River Sarasvati accounting for over 80% of all 2600+ sites of the so-called Indus Valley Civilization. Brief overview of the socio-economic situation of Ancient Indian Polity of centures prior to 1 Common Era The rediscovery of Vedic River Sarasvati is a momentous historical record. The proposed research willd define the contours of this economic enterprise which spanned several millennia from 5th to 2nd millennium BCE. It appears that Ancient Indian artisans and merchants were intermediaries in distribution of the tin and other mineral resources of the Tin-Bronze Revolution. " The proposed project will complement these efforts and drawn up the contours of the Ancient Maritime Tin Route which linked Hanoi and Haifa. While copper deposits are relatively widely distributed there are only very few tin deposits known in the Old World (Europe, the Mediterranean basin and southwest Asia). The closed project is called Tin Isotopes and the Sources of Bronze Age Tin in the Old World."This multidisciplinary project comprising archaeology, history, geochemistry, and geology aims at the decipherment of the enigma of the origin of a material that emerged in the third millennium BCE and gave an entire cultural epoch its name, namely the alloy of copper and tin called bronze.

charmstone chin hung water mill

European Union has embarked on a multi-million Euro project (Euro 2,340,000) coordinated in Germany, to research on the provenance of tin of the Tin-Bronze Age. The challenge is to prove the use of this tin resource during the Tin-Bronze Revolution of Eurasia. This cassiterite (tin ore) resource was accumulated as placer deposits as the Himalayan rivers ground down granite rocks and created the plater deposits of tin ore. The largest tin belt of the globe is in Ancient Far East on the river basins of Irrawaddy, Salween and Mekong. The key to this phenomenal economic enterprise is the navigability of Himalayan rivers: Mekong, Irrawaddy, Salween, Brahmaputra, Ganga, Yamuna, Sarasvati which linked up the seafaring merchants through the Persian Gulf, Tigris-Euphrates doab and Mediterranean Sea, thus effectively complementing a Maritime route from Hanoi (Vietnam) to Haifa (Israel) powering the Tin-Bronze Revolution of 5th millennium BCE. It appears that this was the major contributory factor which may explain the Wealth of Ancient India, ca. The corporate form relates to the organization of guilds, called śreṇi of artisans and seafaring merchants, which were governed by the principle of Shared Commonwealth. A significant contributor is the economic organization, a corporate form which predate the Roman corporate form by 2 millennia. 6th millenniumBCE) which are explanatory factors for the wealth of nations of the ancient periods.

charmstone chin hung water mill

7th millennium BCE), domestication of cotton cultivation (from ca. What are the contributory factors which explain this phenomenal Wealth of an Ancient Nation, prior to 1 Common Era? This research project proposal presents evidences pointing to the existence of an Ancient Maritime Tin Route which powered the Tin-Bronze Revolution of 5th millennium BCE which contributed to the Wealth of Nations, together with the inventions of domestication of rice cultivation (from ca. Source: Data table in Maddison A (2007), Contours of the World Economy I-2030AD, Oxford University Press, The framework of the research proposal is to explain how Ancient India accounted for over 33% of World GDP. The following graph summarizes his findings. A significant contribution was made by Angus Maddison, Cambridge Economic Historian who submitted a historical monograph to OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), prior to the initiatives of European Union. An Ancient Bhāratīya Itihāsa Research Proposal Background and Executive Summary Bhāratīya Itihāsa or History of Hindu Civilization is often traced back to several millennia Before Common Era based on the archaeological findings of sites like Bhirrana, Rakhigarhi and Kunal on the River Basin of Vedic Sarasvati River.

Charmstone chin hung water mill